Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Single or multiple sourcing? (1/2)

When there is a business-critical project to take care of and sourcing is necessary, should you look…

Most common project management myths

The fact that someone has Project Manager on their business card doesn't mean they manage a project.…

Strategy (2/2): Execution

The previous article described the difficulties of identifying accessible opportunities and figuring…

Strategy (1/2): Planning

An invitation to participate in strategy planning is an exciting opportunity but can be somewhat…

Executive sponsors (2/2): Win their support – and use it well

In the previous article we saw why an executive sponsor is needed. Now: how can you as a project…

Executive sponsors (1/2): Why project managers desperately need them

Senior leaders must support their project managers. An effective, engaged executive sponsor can be…

How to redesign your business: The human perspective

Every real change has two elements: transactional (deals with processes and outcomes) and…

When inflexibility is not an option

If you have big plans ahead or you are already pursuing them but somehow struggling, remember that…

10 nails in the coffin of your project

Mistakes happen and are part of the learning process. Mistakes by project managers, however, may…

Listing 28 to 36 out of 180