Články o Hards Skills

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

How to offer employees a training programme that will genuinely suit them

Employee training has a number of functions. Firstly, it increases the quality, productivity and flexibility of workers by broadening their horizons and teaching them new skills. It can also be a way to retrain existing workers and promote or reassign them to other roles. Last but not least, it is a…

Nuclear Leadership

Join us for "Nuclear Leadership,"

Join us for "Nuclear Leadership," an exclusive online webinar that dives…

Pozitivní motivace v leadershipu založené na neurovědě

Positive motivation in leadership based on neuroscience, 19th May 2023

Is it possible to motivate people without using more money? How to create a…

Robert Hogan a Michal Kankrlík

A good leader can learn from mistakes: Interview with Dr. Robert Hogan, icon of the psychodiagnostics

Dr. Robert Hogan, spiritual father of psychodiagnostics, was a…

Laurent Laval, Arthur Hunt

Rational decision

Brussels Bobcat headquarters February 2007: Telephone call from Marek, the…

Laurent Laval, Arthur Hunt

Tears of truth

The eyes of Lucie, the Human Resources Manager, blurred and she shed a…

Listing 1 to 13 out of 271