Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

How can you tell if you are a natural leader?

Most people have to learn how to be a good leader; however, a select few are born with management…

Poor leadership: why it is the most common reason employees leave

Poor leadership from a supervisor tops the list of reasons why employees most often quit. What are…

Ethical leadership: what is it and why should you strive to apply this principle?

Ethical leadership is a term encountered quite often in articles and literature about management and…

How to become a great manager in five steps

Who would not want to be a popular, efficient and productive manager? There are countless management…

Four things employees need from their manager in a crisis

The real competence of a manager is fully demonstrated when they and their team are faced with a…

How to be a truly good and modern manager in 2024

Technology is evolving rapidly, employee expectations are changing, and remote working is the new…

Need to lay off staff from your team? Five tips on how to prepare

One of the less pleasant duties of a manager is notifying subordinates that they are being laid off.…

Introverts in your team? Some tips on leading them

Every person is different. As a manager, you have to perceive the differences between your…

Managers must be able to communicate a vision to the team. How to do it?

One of the main things any manager has to be able to do is convey a strategic plan to their team and…

Listing 19 to 27 out of 950