The four basic managerial types: which one are you?

There are basically four types of manager, depending on how they lead subordinates and which management principles they use. What are the four basic managerial types, and which one are you?



As states, the directive manager likes to keep tight hold of the reins. At times they may be too abrupt, but they can also make decisions very quickly and efficiently. They are ideal in crisis situations when the team needs a firm hand, clear leadership and courage. However, this approach is less suitable in normal, quiet times, as directive types tend not to have conversations with subordinates, or listen to them and discuss, for example, their development or ideas.


A leader exhibiting democratic principles always encourages debate. They consult their team on major decisions; they like to tap into the collective intelligence of those around them, encourage inclusion and seek to promote their subordinates' strengths, even at the expense of their own authority. While this approach is ideal when seeking compromise and novel solutions, it can also be a slight hindrance at times if a critical situation requires quick action and decision making.


Precise, systematic, focused on quantifiable data: such is an analytical manager. They are excellent at analysing problems, coming up with sound suggestions for improvement and planning strategies. Analytical leaders thrive especially in roles that require thorough planning, detail orientation, organised project management, and systematic problem solving.


These managers tend to have a high degree of emotional intelligence. They are characterised by deep empathy, communication skills and the ability to enthuse and mentally support their subordinates. They can often effectively identify and defuse conflicts or calm their team in the face of a crisis. They are excellent facilitators of discussions and most suited to leading a team whose members tend to work independently, or are engaged in some creative activity for which mental wellbeing is absolutely crucial.



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