Artificial intelligence: five ways managers can use it to simplify their daily work

Artificial intelligence has been a topic of constant discussion for at least the last two years. Everyone has probably at least tried working with chat programs like ChatGPT or graphical applications that generate content based on the prompt you enter. However, one of the biggest advantages of AI is that it can make our daily work easier. This article looks at how AI can make life easier for managers and team leaders.


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Automating administrative tasks

Are routine, administrative tasks part of your daily work? For example, counting attendance, checking reports, calculating your team's results? Programs like ChatGPT function, among other things, as very powerful calculators where you can enter numbers as well as word problems or texts to check. Try to find ways to automate some of your routine tasks using AI tools.

Planning (e.g. shifts, timetables or projects)

AI also has excellent uses when planning or preparing schedules. Simply enter the parameters, timelines, exceptions, participant requirements, and so on, into the system, which is then able to generate your options, as well as the timeline or sub-steps of the project. All this is based on your priorities and requirements.

Checking and proofreading

ChatGPT can also serve as a proofreading tool or as a final check. For example, when preparing a proposal for a client or a schedule for your team, you might try putting the result into ChatGPT to see if your text contains any major errors, be they grammatical, mathematical or logical.

Providing inspiration for new ideas

Are you trying to come up with team-building activities for your team, wanting to motivate the sales team with certain gamification elements, or thinking about an original gift to buy a subordinate for their birthday? ChatGPT is able to generate a variety of different ideas that may serve as inspiration.

Working with big data

AI tools are able to take large amounts of data and spot trends, inconsistencies or other interesting information in it. If you are working with big data, you can try entering it into some of the available AI tools and see if these can be of any assistance.



Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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